Happy New Year to all Swede in America readers...
Be prepared for pictures, videos, and tales of Danish debauchery in the coming months. Be sure to bookmark http://swedeinamerica.blogspot.com for updates from around Europe!
Thy throne rests on mem’ries from great days of yore, When worldwide renown was valour’s reward. I know to thy name thou art true as before. Oh, I would live and I would die in Sweden!
"A common food dish of Sweden, made from whitefish, usually cod, soaked in water and lye (caustic soda) prior to cooking, using a process referred to a "luting" which served to dry the filet so it could be preserved. During earlier times, potash was used instead of lye. The whole or cut pieces of the cod were placed in a tub filled with cold water changed daily and allowed to remain in a cold area for approximately a week. After a week, lye was added to the water and again the fish was kept in the solution for 4 days, during which time it began to swell in size as half the protein in the fish is removed. At this point the meat of the fish is poisonous and cannot be eaten, so it is then washed with cold water and placed in a bath containing only water for another 4 to 5 days to remove the lye. The steeping and bathing of the fish fillets as well as the loss of protein, which continues as the fillets are washed prior to preparing, results in a clear, gelatin-like appearance and texture to the cod meat. It is the lye which contains an alkali solution that causes the reaction to occur so the meat of the fish takes on a clear, translucent, Jell-O consistency.
Everyone is born with it. A desire to be near the ones we care about most. And we find ways to remember them when they're away. A lock of hair. Letters. An old photo. And now there's Breath Capture. Capture the breath of a loved one or friend and keep them close. Forever.I'll cover half the cost if anyone is seriously interested...
November 23, 1996We were required to journal every day for Ms. Degrandt, and I thought it a novel idea to supplement the obligatory paper journal with a shared version over "The Net" for the world to read. The first entry of "Dear Diary," was posted at geocities.com/~benallenallen and everyone who was anyone read it. After a few years of making the world laugh, benallenallen's diary passed by the wayside (Damn those ackward middle school years.)
Dear Diary,
My hair is like the color of the Sierra Desert at high noon.
My eyes are the color of the shell of an Australian box turtle.
My legs are as fast as the cheetah after its prey.
My soul is made from the best stuff on earth.
My mind is like the mind of Bill Gates, smart and clever.
My friends are the best thing in the world because at times they guide me.
My arms are the diameter of angel hair spaghetti.
My laugh is like the laugh of a hyena, which is sneaky.
My heart holds love that is as loving and caring as a mother panda bear.
I live in a computer and eat RAM and Chips.