Not much time... just have to say, Dublin is beautiful! Click here for all the pics from Dublin... more from Prague to come!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Dublin, et all.
Not much time... just have to say, Dublin is beautiful! Click here for all the pics from Dublin... more from Prague to come!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Soooooo... Goodbye! Fairwell... So Long Forever...

This black and white picture from the future is the scene of the parade to be thrown in the streets of København for my safe return home to Scandinavia from war in America.
January 25
Chicago to Dublin
Depart: 6:00PM CST
Day in Dublin... city tour, pint of Guinness, Hooligan fight on the pitch... typical day in Ireland.
January 26
Dublin to Prague
Two nights at the 5-star Hotel Ventana with Marquette graduate and current seminarian in Vatican City Jon Bakkelund (those priests really know how to live!)... Followed by two nights on my own at the Old Prague Hostel in a 20 bed shared room.
January 30
Prague to København
Four hour train ride to Sønderborg/Home...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
What would you bring? (ATR's)

Unbeknown to the packing supervisor (my mom), I plan on taking out two of the unnecessary changes of underwear and replace them with an item of your choosing. Practicality would be nice, but when have I ever been practical at the expense of humor? If it fits in my luggage, and I decide to bring your item, I promise to take a picture in front of the European monument of your choice with that item and send a personally autographed copy of the photo! Also... general packing tips are required to make all this stuff fit... like this video:
Hurry and send in your items... I leave in just 40 hours!!!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Handelskollegiet (Home)

B.S. Ingemannsvej 2, Room 118
DK-6400 Sonderborg
Tel: 0045 74134572
My new home and phone number for the next six months (once I get there.)
I would encourage everyone not to call my room number, but rather install Skype, which lets you talk to me for FREE over the internet. I know you will all want to talk to me once you realize how much you miss me, so there you have it. My screenname on skype is benallenallen, so add me and we'll talk through this whole withdrawal thing...
Student Residence Website for Handel (hows your danish?)
Hygge is in the air
Hygge is an important element of the Danish mentality. The term is difficult to translate, but it is often, inadequately, translated as cosiness. Yet, it is much more than that.
Uncomplicated, unexaggerated and informal are some of the incredients in hygge. It is closely associated with having a good time together with friends or family and with eating and drinking. It may include a long dinner at home with a group of friends who know each another well. It may be a good time at the “fredagsbar”. In can be going out with some few friends for a cup of coffee on a Sunday afternoon. In may be listening to music, playing board games or just watching a TV-program together.
The term hygge is widely used and connected with different situations. For instance you can have a hygge-evening and a hygge-weekend. You can have a hygge-chat and you can even sit in a hygge-corner.
Hyggelig is the adjective for hygge and is used about many things. A person can be described as hyggelig, a café and a town – especially if it is a small town – can be hyggelig. Furniture for instance a sofa can be hyggelig and candlelight are definitely hyggelige.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Time to get moving...

You'll notice the timer SLOOOOOWLY counting down on the right side of the blog... I'm not sure if thats going to help make these last few days faster or not, but wow have these last few weeks been long and boring (as can be noticed from my BORING posts)!
Pilsner A pale pilsner. The most common type of beer in Denmark are the Pilsner. For instance: Carlsberg HOF, Tuborg Grøn, Royal Pilsner.
Classic An all malt pilsner with more color and taste. The classic type is named after the Tuborg Classic. For instance: Tuborg Classic, Tuborg Classic Gylden, Carl's Special, Royal Classic
Guld Øl (Gold beer) usually refers to the strength of the beer. Basically all tax category II beers are called Guld Øl named after the Tuborg Guld. Examples include: Tuborg Guld, Carlsberg Sort Guld, Carlsberg Dark, Royal Export
Stærk Øl (Strong beer) refers to tax category III beers such as Carlberg Elefant, Tuborg Fine Festival, Royal Selection.
Juleøl (Christmas beer) are usually gold strength beer with additional flavor. Examples include: Carl's Jul, Carlberg 47, Tuborg Julebryg, Royal XMas
Påskeøl (Easter beer) are usually gold strength beer with additional flavor. Examples include: Carl's Påske, Tuborg Påskebryg, Royal Spring.
Hvidtøl (White beer) is classic Danish beer, pretty much unknown anywhere else. It is brewed from white malt, and should not be confused with wheat beer or Belgian white beer. It was once the most common beer in Denmark but has declined much so it is today just a soft beer usually served at Christmas with rice pudding. Considered it has an alcohol content of appr. 1% by volume Hvidt øl can be consumed by many underaged people. It has a malty sweetness and none to moderate hop bitterness.