Sunday, January 21, 2007

Time to get moving...

You'll notice the timer SLOOOOOWLY counting down on the right side of the blog... I'm not sure if thats going to help make these last few days faster or not, but wow have these last few weeks been long and boring (as can be noticed from my BORING posts)!

Pilsner A pale pilsner. The most common type of beer in Denmark are the Pilsner. For instance: Carlsberg HOF, Tuborg Grøn, Royal Pilsner.

Classic An all malt pilsner with more color and taste. The classic type is named after the Tuborg Classic. For instance: Tuborg Classic, Tuborg Classic Gylden, Carl's Special, Royal Classic

Guld Øl
(Gold beer) usually refers to the strength of the beer. Basically all tax category II beers are called Guld Øl named after the Tuborg Guld. Examples include: Tuborg Guld, Carlsberg Sort Guld, Carlsberg Dark, Royal Export

Stærk Øl (Strong beer) refers to tax category III beers such as Carlberg Elefant, Tuborg Fine Festival, Royal Selection.

Juleøl (Christmas beer) are usually gold strength beer with additional flavor. Examples include: Carl's Jul, Carlberg 47, Tuborg Julebryg, Royal XMas

Påskeøl (Easter beer) are usually gold strength beer with additional flavor. Examples include: Carl's Påske, Tuborg Påskebryg, Royal Spring.

Hvidtøl (White beer) is classic Danish beer, pretty much unknown anywhere else. It is brewed from white malt, and should not be confused with wheat beer or Belgian white beer. It was once the most common beer in Denmark but has declined much so it is today just a soft beer usually served at Christmas with rice pudding. Considered it has an alcohol content of appr. 1% by volume Hvidt øl can be consumed by many underaged people. It has a malty sweetness and none to moderate hop bitterness.

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