The teacher of the Month for February: Esben Holstein. Not only is his accent hilarious, his mannerisms are priceless. Kind of like a lanky, jovial Mr. Bean, he manages to keep Finance and Investment somewhat interesting (considering I've already taken this at MU.) As a matter of luck, I also have Esben for EU Integration on the same day. He has done an excelent job in explaining the EU to an outsider of the Union, and as a side note, not many people actually understand the EU, citizens included.
One interesting and slightly annoying thing about the educational system here in Denmark, is the informal setting in the classroom. I never thought I would say this, but I prefer a professor to lecture and ask questions of the students, not the other way around. All of the Danish students address the professor by their first name, and interrupt them whenever they feel they have something to say (which seems to happen a lot.) It is impossible to establish any kind of flow when the students just start talking all the time with something they think is important. I guess the raise-your-hand-till-your-arm-goes-numb-
shouting-pick-me-pick-me strategy really does work!
Post Script: The attached video is hilarious. All Facebook readers follow this link for the full effect of this post.
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