Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Setteling in...

So you have probably noticed that things have slowed down a bit... this is by no means an indicator of the level of fun/learning going on, just a little laziness on my part.
I just spoke to my adviser back at Marquette and have found out that I don't have to take two of the courses listed on my schedule, so I'm pretty excited about that. The course on Law has been very interesting, because a)I've never had a Law course before and b)it is interesting to learn about law outside of the sue-happy-states-of-america. The professor often makes little jokes about American law, and we're the only two that laugh. I also had to settle a class wide debate on the meaning of the word "indications," which I'm sure won't be the last time this happens. On the social front, we attended a high school party last night at "What about Bob's," and I'd say the future of Denmark is in good hands. I was wondering why every time I walked past the building labeled "gymnasium," there were bells ringing and beautiful girls everywhere with backpacks, but I learned that "gymnasium" means High School in Danish. Another Danish word I have learned is "Moin", which is in fact not Danish at all, but German. Since we are so close to the German border, people say "moin" when they meet, and "moin moin" when they part. These two words, plus "Skoal" and "Tak" will be a good base for my Danish language course which starts in a few weeks!

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